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Ways Into Successful Enterprise

Ways into Successful Enterprise

he Ways into Successful Enterprise (WiSE) project provides a free and confidential service to help people become self employed, start or grow their own business, develop their skills, and access mainstream business support and training. Other routes into economic activity can be explored. WiSE comprises Enterprise Coaches covering the whole of West Cumbria, providing guidance and support to people who want to explore ideas either individually or in groups. The project is generally based in local community centres or market halls, focussing support for new businesses in the various towns. WiSE also works with other agencies, referring clients as appropriate for grants, training or expert advice. Occasionally individuals have opted for voluntary work or training in order to build their skills before joining or rejoining the job market. WISE can also assist established businesses with information on a range of topics e.g. training, networks, finance, and apprenticeships.

Areas Covered: Cumbria


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